Landscape Image

Family crest, Greillenstein Palace, Lower Austria

Renaissance family crest made of limestone from Zogelsdorf

Dismounting, VAC by order of University of Applied Arts Vienna (conservation and restoration)

Client: Palace administration Greillenstein

Project period: 2016 - 2017

Location: Palace administration Greillenstein


Dismounting of the family crest
(1) Dismounting of the family crest
(2) Pre-state
Preparation for VAC
(3) Preparation for VAC
Strengthening agent intake through VAC
(4) Strengthening agent intake through VAC
Strengthening agent intake through VAC
(5) Strengthening agent intake through VAC
Strengthening agent intake through VAC
(6) Strengthening agent intake through VAC
Strengthening agent intake through VAC
(7) Strengthening agent intake through VAC


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