Landscape Image

Founders’ Statues, West Facade, St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna

Statue of benefactor, Catherine of Bohemia, life size, 1870

Dismounting, laser cleaning, vacuum preservation, figural reconstruction, restoration, installation

Client: Dombausekretariat St. Stephan

Project period: 2007 - 2009

Location: Dombausekretariat St. Stephan


Previous condition
(1) Previous condition
Completed restoration
(2) Completed restoration
sculptures mounting
(3) sculptures mounting
sculptures mounting
(4) sculptures mounting
sculptures mounting
(5) sculptures mounting

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Tomb of Augustin Holdt - Apothecary, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna


Leitha limestone, originally set in polychrome, 1512

Tomb of Hans Metzkher, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna


Solnhofer limestone, adneter limestone, 1546

Albertine choir, west facade, south tower, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna

1997 - 2024

Medieval choir, Romanesque-Gothic west facade with heath towers, benefactor statues, tombs, South Tower

South Tower Portal, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna


Entrance hall into the south tower, Madonna, 14th century

"Lackner Mount of Olives", St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna


Relief in Auer limestone, 1502

South side of the nave central section, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna

2012 - 2021

Eligius chapel around 1360 - 1400 and Bartholomew chapel until 1437, Singertor 1440 - 1450, restored 1894 - 1896, Friedrich pediment 1430 - 1440, restored 1982ff and 1928, decoration of other pediments 1853/1854, restored 1882ff

North side of the nave central section, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna

2022 - 2025

West chapel lower part ca. 1360 to 1395, upper part ca. 1400 to 1440, Side of the nave completed in 1440, Lobby of the bishop's gate around 1510, decorative pediment 1855/56 in imitation of the Friedrich pediment on the south side, restored in 1881

Straub epitaph, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna

2023 - 2024

Relief in Breitenbrunner limestone, ca. 1540

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